Application for Revolutionary War Pension
Application of
Charles Hinson
With affidavit of William Ricketts

Source: National Archives pension application file S7014 [North Carolina])

(This document has been edited for ease of reading only.)

State of North Carolina } April Session 1833
Anson County }

On the 10th day of April 1833 personally appeared in open Court before the Worshipfull Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Charles Hinson a resident of the County of Anson aforesaid aged seventy years - a Soldier of the Revolution Also being sworn according to law doth upon his oath make the following declarations in order to obtain the benefit of the Act of Congress passed June the 7th 1832

I entered the service of the United States under the following named officers and served as herein stated

I Volunteered of the 22nd day of June 1780 in the militia under Capt James Fair in the County of Anson State of No Carolina for three months Col Davidsons Regiment and was in two Skirmishes with the Tories under Col Culp[?] of So Carolina the first at Baggetts (now S---boro) - the other on the same morning at Capt Duke Glenns plantation near Pee dee River in both of which we defeated them (the Tories) I served the three months then was discharged in Septr 1780

I again volunteered in the County of Anson State of North Carolina in Septr 1780 under Capt Patrick Boggan Col Thomas Wades Regiment and was Engaged in Collecting Cattle and Supplies for the American Army throughout the country in the neighborhood of Camden SoCarolina under the direction of Col Thomas Wade who was then Comissary and served four months in the month of January 1781

I again volunteered in the County of Anson, North Carolina under Capt Duke Glenn in the month of January 1781 and was marched into SoCarolina and joined General Sumpter and was in an Engagement with the Enemy at the head of S--- Hore[?] (now black River) Lord Rawdon was then in possession of Camden I was then marched back to North Carolina on Pee dee River when owing to some cowardly conduct of Capt Glenns he was tryed by a Court Martial and was disgraced and Cashiered I was then placed under the command of Capt Stephen Tomkins and was marched to Drowning Creek and was engaged against the Tories in the Battle of Baties Brige I served seven months and was discharged in August 1781.

I again volunteered in the County of Anson No Carolina in Septr 1781 under Capt Patrick Boggan and Marched to Cape Fear River where we joined Col Smith (General Rutherfords Brigade and was marched [cut off] the Brick house Near Wilmington North Carolina and was in the Battle with the Tories below the brick House in which we defeated them, and made an ineefectual attack on the British who was fortified in the Brick house I have a distinct Recollection that during this toure that we received the news of the Surrender of Lord Cornwallace to the American Army at Little York I was dischrged in the County of Anson December 1781 having served four months

I became a Substitute for a man by the name of Gordon under Capt. Thomas Elibee at Cheraw South Carolina for two months sometime in February 1782 and together with several others was put in charge of some British Prisoners in number about one hundred and ordered to conduct them to Charleston So Carolina (the British yet being in poseesion of that place) We delivered them over just below the Mouth of Watt Both on Ashley River near Charleston I was then discharged having served the term for which substituted two months having served in all my five terms of service one year and eight months (In fact I am Confident that I served in all two years but part of my time of service I cannot state deffinitely but such was the [torn] State of things in this section of country that we were constantly annoyed by our neighbors & internal enemy the Tories who wer much more troublesome to us than the British much of our time of service I have taken no account of I was young and inattentive to that of gathering written discharges In truth my main object was to get freedom for my country I have now no distinct recollection of having received but one written discharge and that I have lost, I have no other documentary evidence of my service and there are but five persons now living who served in this section of the Country in the Revolutionary War I know of none whose testimony I can Pocure to testify to my service except Walter Leake and Lott Strickland both of the County of Richmond No Carolina whose affedavits are here unto annexed and also [Robt Huntley Xed out] and Wm Ricketts both of the County of Anson afore said whose affidavit is also here unto annexed.

I hereby relinquish every claim whatsoever to a pension or annuity Except the present and declare that my name is not on the Pension Roll of the agency of any State whatever Sworn to and Suscribed the day and year aforesaid
Charles Hinson

1st question by Court: where and in what year were you borned?
Answer: in Chesterfield district State of South Carolina on the 21st dayof June 1763.

2nd question by Court: have you any record of your age & if so where is it?
Answer: Records of my age were cept by Doctor Dixon & my Grandfather Philip Hinson From which I transcrobed a copy which copy is now in the possession of my Brother Bartlett Hinson of this County.

3rd question by Court: where were you living when called into Service where have you lived since the Revolutionary war and where do you now live?
Answer: I lived in the County of Anson North Carolina when called into Service and where I have continued to live all my life where and now live.
4th question by Court: how were you called into Service, were you drafted were you a Volunteer or were you a Substitute
Answer: I was a Volunteer in every Tour except the last when I was a Substitute for two months for a man by the name of Jordon.
5th question by Court: State the names of some of the Regular officers who were with the Troops when you served such Continental and malitia Regiments as you can Recollect and the general Circumstances of your service
Answer: I was attached to General Green Division I served under no Regular or Continental officers My service was under the immideate Command of malitia officers towit Col Love, Col Wade, Smith, and Sumpter, and General Rutherford
6th question by Court: did you ever receive a discharge from the Service and if so by whom was it given
Answer: I do not recollect having received but one written discharge which was from Capt Ellibee and that I have lost
7th question by Court: State the names of persons to whom you are known in your present neighborhood and who can testify as to your charactrer for verasity & their belief of you serving as a soldier of the Revolution
Answer: Wm Johnson Johnson [sic] Esq and the Revd Elijah Cason both be be [sic] acquainted with me

Sworn to and subscribed the day & year above written
Charles Hinson

Personally appeared in open Court William Ricketts a man of credibility a resident of the County of Anson State of North Carolina who being duly sworn according to law doth on his oath Make the following statement viz- That he saw Charles Hinson the above named applicant engaged in the American service in the time of the revolutionary war during the spring and summer of the year 1781 under Captain stephen Tompkins, Col Wades Regiment and was with him the a considerable part of the time of 3[?] months Sworn to and subscribed in open Court this 10th day of April aD 1833

his William W Ricketts mark

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